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Why won't my AirPods connect?

AirPods can disconnect from your device for a variety of reasons, including Bluetooth issues or low battery charge levels. The initial troubleshooting steps include:

  1. Checking the battery level on your AirPods and AirPods charging case
  2. Checking to ensure Bluetooth is turned on in the settings app on your device

If your AirPods are charged, and Bluetooth is turned on, you may need to re-connect your AirPods, which can be done with the following steps:

  1. Close the lid on your AirPods charging case, wait 30 seconds, and then open the lid
  2. Press and hold the setup button on your AirPods charging case until the light flashes white
  3. Hold your AirPods near your device and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the pairing


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