Air Jordan 4
AJ4. Generation 4 of the iconic Air Jordan sneaker.
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Shoes and Sneakers FAQ
Swappa allows a small select number of sellers to list custom sneakers.
Swappa does not allow the listing and sale of replica shoes on our marketplace.
Yes, you can list and sell used sneakers on Swappa. We expect sellers to accurately picture and describe their sneakers to ensure a smooth, problem-free transaction.
Sneakers on Swappa are moderated like any other item in our catalog. Our staff moderates listings to ensure they fall within our condition and criteria guidelines in addition to our verification and fraud prevention processes.
Swappa uses an app-based authentication process to verify the authenticity of our sneakers. The Swappa Shoes app is available for iOS users with an Android app to be released in 2024.
The Swappa Shoes app uses your phone’s camera to take pictures of the sneakers from multiple angles.
Browse our catalog of sneakers to find an item you want to buy. You can use the search functionality to quickly find what you’re looking for or browse our catalog through specific categories or filters.
Once you find a listing you want to buy, click the ‘Buy Now’ button and fill out your shipping information before completing your payment.
Upon payment, a private sale page is created for you and the seller. You can view the sale and payment details, track your shipment, and communicate with the seller on the private sale page.
The seller has two business days to …
Original boxes are required for New condition sneaker listings
A box is not required for Used condition listings.
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