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Why am I not receiving emails from Swappa?

If you aren’t receiving emails from Swappa (regarding your listings, purchases, subscriptions, etc.), they're likely getting flagged by your email spam filter.

Follow these steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check the spam and/or junk folders within your email account. If you are able to locate the emails, make sure to mark them as not spam or not junk (the specific wording may vary based on your email service).
  2. If you are certain our emails aren't getting caught in your spam/junk folders, the next step is reaching out to Swappa support via our help desk. Make sure to include a quick summary of any troubleshooting steps you've tried so far when submitting your support ticket.

Swappa also recommends whitelisting our email to avoid the possibility of this happening again. The steps needed to whitelist email addresses vary depending on your email service, so please be sure to whitelist all emails from any email address.

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