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Why can't I submit a payment for a listing?

If you're unable to submit a payment, this is typically related to a few different things:

  • An issue with your PayPal account (such as not being fully verified)
  • An issue with your payment source (bank, credit or debit card company, etc.)
  • An issue with the seller's PayPal account not being able to receive payments

Most payment issues are related to limitations with a buyer's PayPal account or payment source, so we always recommend contacting PayPal and your financial institution (bank, credit/debit card company, etc.) to confirm everything is good to go on your end.

If you're still having trouble submitting payments after following these steps, please contact our support team and provide the following information:

  • A link to the listing you're attempting to purchase
  • The error message you're receiving when trying to submit a payment

When possible, please provide a screenshot of the transaction in your PayPal account (if the transaction went through), or a screenshot of the problem (error message) you see when trying to make a purchase.

With this information, we will be able to offer further assistance and get you pointed in the right direction.


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